Scenic Jacksonville joins with Riverfront Parks Now in the quest to save all of Metropolitan Park, our major downtown riverfront park and one that – if not protected – could be broken up into pieces for a luxury hotel and other development. While the park has been too long forgotten, the 23-acre park has significant potential to be renovated as part of an expanded network of riverfront parks and green spaces for all to enjoy.

Please see the following post on the Riverfront Parks Now website: “Now is the time to save all of Metropolitan Park.”

And, the related post from JaxLookout: “Metro Park – Death by 1000 cuts?”

From the RPN Post:

“On Wednesday, February 17th at 2 pm, the Downtown Investment Authority (DIA) is seeking approval of Resolution 2021-02-02, an access agreement which would allow a private developer, Iguana, to conduct environmental testing on the western 8-acre portion of Metropolitan Park, the former Kids Kampus. This is not the area subject to the National Park Service. In addition, Iguana seeks access for testing on the Shipyards Parcel that begins east of Hogan’s Creek. The testing access is a step towards potential development of the property.

The meeting is open to the public, with public comments accepted via email, zoom or in person.

Our Position:

  1. We support keeping our entire Metropolitan Park intact. Metropolitan Park belongs to the people of Jacksonville, and no portion of the park should be given away or sold to private interests.
  2. We ask that the DIA remove the Kids Kampus park lands, RE 130572 0100, from this resolution and cease plans for the potential development of any part of Metropolitan Park.
  3. We need more parks and river access in downtown, not less. Metropolitan Park can become part of a larger vision for a riverfront park system. A vibrant, resilient “Riverfront for All.”

Action needed: Write or attend the Downtown Investment Authority (DIA) Meeting on Wednesday, February 17th at 2 p.m., and ask the DIA to remove park lands from Resolution 2021-02-02.

DIA Meeting Date & Time: Wednesday, February 17, 2021 at 2 p.m. Public comments are at the start of each meeting. (Meeting info and agenda packet is on the DIA website.)

Participate: by zoom, in person, or via email

Jacksonville Public Library-Main Library/Downtown
303 North Laura Street
Multipurpose Room (located in the Conference Center)
Jacksonville, Florida 32202

Via Zoom: Meeting ID: 940 7401 7448, Passcode: 642945

Via Email: Comments to be read at the meeting can be emailed to Ina Mezini at up to 2:05 p.m. on February 17th, 2021.