Design Competition Public Meeting 6/24 – Will reveal proposals for Landing Site


The City of Jacksonville will host a public meeting for the Northbank Lawn/Riverfront Plaza FKA Jacksonville Landing Design Competition (P-01-21) Three firms will present their design proposals and a selection committee will evaluate them. Meeting is open members of the public who may provide input via public comments after each one. Thursday, June 24 from 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. | more...

Design Competition Public Meeting 6/24 – Will reveal proposals for Landing Site2021-06-21T13:29:46-04:00

Mayor’s Task Force recommends a world-class riverfront park to revitalize downtown


In March, Mayor Curry convened three meetings of a Downtown Task Force led by businessman John Rood for the purpose of making short term recommendations that the Mayor could fund and implement before he leaves office in 2023 to improve the urban core. Scenic Jacksonville representatives attended each meeting. Among other issues studied, the Committee wrestled with the questions - | more...

Mayor’s Task Force recommends a world-class riverfront park to revitalize downtown2021-04-27T09:58:42-04:00

Attend the DIA Riverfront Public Workshop – Feb 23rd at 12 noon


The Downtown Investment Authority (DIA) is hosting a public workshop about the Downtown Riverfront on Tuesday, February 23rd at 12 noon. According to the public notice:"The purpose of this meeting is for the DIA to present a holistic informational overview of current Downtown riverfront development plans, both public and private, and the applicable processes for review and consideration. Among those | more...

Attend the DIA Riverfront Public Workshop – Feb 23rd at 12 noon2021-02-18T17:20:22-05:00

Save Metropolitan Park – Again!


Scenic Jacksonville joins with Riverfront Parks Now in the quest to save all of Metropolitan Park, our major downtown riverfront park and one that - if not protected - could be broken up into pieces for a luxury hotel and other development. While the park has been too long forgotten, the 23-acre park has significant potential to be renovated as | more...

Save Metropolitan Park – Again!2021-02-15T11:04:14-05:00
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